Glitter Holographic

Oh The Flossy, Flossy!

Friday, November 11, 2011nail a college drop out

Sing it with me, ♫G-L-A-M-O-R-O-U-S♫. Yes this polish IS named Glamorous. Yes I did have a Fergie moment. And yes you loved every single second of it.

This is two coats of pure holographic GLAMOROUS goodness.
With that being said; If you don't have this polish take your broke ass home!  ;)

Tune in. Drop out. Love polish.

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  1. I have a mini of this one and it is gorgeous! Mine is even somewhat linear if I layer it enough!

  2. <3 it love<3 !!!!! wohoo tooootsss signing with you !!! :) love it

  3. I used this with black crackle over it. Love! :)

  4. I have a back up of this one. It is awesome sauce.


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